Bottle top found by metal detectorist turns out to be rare gold coin worth £15k

Started by gash, July 31, 2017, 08:37:12 pm

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I hate Yazoo. Those gold coloured milk tops have fooled Me several times now. You turn the clod and a hint of Gold peeks through the soil...... Its a Hammered !! Not only that its Gold !! Your heart races, carefully you pull it from the clod. After all, your digging in a great Historical area , an old Church is in the filed opposite. It HAS to be gold. right ?

Dissapointment. Again. It's another milk bottle top. I hate Yazoo almost as much as the people who discard these gold coloured foil tops.

But for one Detectorist what He assumed was going to be ANOTHER foil top turned out to just what we all hope for.....

AN extremely rare gold coin dating back to the 15th century and worth £15,000 has been unearthed by a metal detectorist who thought it was a bottle top.

Brian Biddle found the Angel coin - struck during the brief 86 day reign of Edward V who was murdered in the Tower of London - in a farmer's field where it had lain undisturbed for 533 years.

The land in Tolpuddle, Dorset, had been repeatedly searched over the years by the members of the Stour Valley Search and Recovery Club before Brian, 64, turned up with his detector.

The heating engineer realised he was getting warmer in his hunt for a piece of treasure when his device activated.

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XP Deus 9" coil & 13x11 coil
XP Goldmaxx Power
Whites DFX
Garrett Ace250
Nokta Simplex+

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