1,500-Year-Old Coin Stash Leaves Archaeologists with Mystery

Started by gash, April 05, 2018, 10:24:33 pm

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A hoard of about 119 coins, together with an iron lock that may have sealed them within a container, have been found inside a collapsed building in the harbor of the ancient city of Corinth in Greece.

The discovery leaves archaeologists with a mystery: Why didn't anyone come to retrieve the stash after the building collapsed?

"That is an excellent question and one that has been troubling us," said Paul Scotton, a professor of classics at California State University Long Beach who leads excavations for the Lechaion Harbor and Settlement Land Project. "The coins were found circa 30-40 centimeters [12 to 16 inches] below modern ground level under the collapsed tile roof. With it having been so close to the surface, why someone didn't return for it is a puzzle. Either the owner could not or did not want to retrieve it. Exactly why that would be is only conjecture," Scotton said.

Continue reading - https://www.livescience.com/62192-ancient-coin-stash-leaves-mystery.html
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