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How to make a Viking Helm

Started by gash, September 03, 2016, 10:06:55 pm

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How to COLD forge a Viking Helm, or rather a Spangenhelm with hardly any tools.
The name Spangenhelm is of German origin. 'Spangen' refers to the metal strips that form the framework for the helmet and could be translated as braces, and '-helm' simply means helmet.

The spangenhelm arrived in Western Europe by way of what is now southern Russia and Ukraine, spread by nomadic Iranian tribes such as the Scythians and Sarmatians who lived among the Eurasian steppes. By the 6th century it was the most common helmet design in Europe and in popular use throughout the Middle East. However, helmets of the spangenhelm type were used much longer. Some of the Nasal helmets depicted on the Bayeux Tapestry from the 11th century appear to be built as a Spangenhelm construction. The same is true for illustrations of the Morgan Bible from the 13th century.

Read more  :  http://spangenhelm.com/make-viking-helm-hardly-tools/
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