Burial mounds make a comeback in 21st-century Britain

Started by gash, October 29, 2016, 11:48:10 pm

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In a little copse of oak, hazel and willow trees, on the edge of a ploughed field in Cambridgeshire, a door is opening into a new way of death for 21st-century Britain: a brand new stone-and-earth round barrow, a burial mound of a type perfected more than 5,000 years ago.

Beyond the low, narrow door, the stone walls curving up to a corbelled roof are lined with hundreds of niches, waiting for the living to pay up to £4,800 to lease a space for the cremated remains of loved ones to rest for 99 years - and, its creators hope, for centuries longer than that.

Read more  :  https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2016/oct/26/burial-mounds-comeback-21st-century-britain
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