February 17, 2025, 07:24:36 pm


Take a look at the new products we have listed in the shop !!

Hi from the Wirral

Started by Fluttershy, February 27, 2016, 09:17:39 am

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Hello All, I'm Julia and new to metal detecting.

I live on the Wirral with my other half and six year old daughter. I work for the same company as Gash but in the sales team. It wasn't Gash who got me into metal detecting - it was my six year old daughter!
After a huge disappointment of not getting a detector off Santa and pleads from my daughter, I decided we should join a local club and give the hobby a go.

As we have only just started we have borrowed a Garrett 250 from the club Chairman. Due to weight we have been looking at different detectors. As my daughter wants to pursue the hobby then I'm going to take the plunge and buy a detector.

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